Źródło opisu
Katalog księgozbioru
Forma i typ
Dramat (rodzaj)
Wypożyczalnia dla Dorosłych i Młodzieży (ul. Akademicka 10)
Strefa Dzieci Bibliolandia (ul. Akademicka 10)
Filia nr 1 (ul. Bojanowskiego 18)
Filia nr 2 (ul. Krakowska 75)
Filia nr 3 (ul. Sportowa 28)
Filia nr 4 (ul. Cmentarna 1)
King Stephen
King Stephen (1947- )
Sokołowski Krzysztof
Mazan Maciejka
Wilusz Tomasz
Królicki Zbigniew A
Nakoniecznik Arkadiusz
Szulc Andrzej
Conroy Gabriel
Child Lee
Bachman Richard
Braiter Paulina
Lisowski Rafał (1981- )
Machen Arthur
Wroczyński Michał
Górska Danuta
King Stephen (1947- ). Mroczna wieża
Korombel Paweł
Lipski Robert
Lipski Robert P
Lipski Robert P. (1967- )
Praski Łukasz
Alcott Louisa May
Lovecraft H.P
Straub Peter
Hernandez Claudio
Juszkiewicz Michał
Mastalerz Marek
Nowakowski Witold
Poe Edgar Allan
Tudor C.J
Wyżyński Tomasz
Zinserling Zofia
Hill Joe
Jankowski Piotr
Jarvis Robin
Ketchum Jack
Królicki Zbigniew Andrzej (1954- )
Lovecraft H. P
Masterton Graham
Sokołowski Krzysztof (1955- )
Barclay Linwood
Blackwood Algernon
Chizmar Richard
D. Barker J
DeWitt Jasper
Dickens Charles
Dunajski Łukasz
Gerritsen Tess
Górska Danuta (tłumacz)
Hawkins Paula
Heuvelt Thomas Olde
Johnstone Carole
King Owen
King Stephen Michael
Koontz Dean
Królicki Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Kuang Rebecca
McCammon Robert
Napiórkowski Marcin
Obłucki Krzysztof
Pak Greg
Straub Peter (1943-2022)
Zajas Krzysztof A
Alexandre Dumas
Anna Manso
Aurelius Marcus
Barbara Kingsolver
Barr Robert
Baum L. Frank
Benson E. F
Białkowski Tomasz
Bierce Ambrose
Boardman Stephen
Bradbury Jim
Braiter Paulina (1968- )
Brodzik Agnieszka
Cabrera Yesenia
Chambers Robert W
Ciemniewski Paweł
Ciepłowska Agnieszka
Ciepłowska Agnieszka Barbara
Ciocia Julián
Cooper Stephen
Couselo Darío Vilas
Cox Richard
Cullinan Thomas
Czartoryski Bartosz
David Stephen
Dempster Stephen G
Doviak Scott Von
Drawska Greta
Drawska Greta. Wanda Just i Piotr Dereń
Due Tananarive
Fedyszak Marek
Fitzgerald F. Scott
Franklin Tom
French Tana
Gaiman Neil
Gardner Lloyd C
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
nieznany (xxx)
Literatura amerykańska
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura amerykańska
Literatura amerykańśka
Literatura angielska
Literatura kanadyjska
Literatura polska
Powieść grozy amerykańska
Opowiadanie amerykańskie
Zjawiska paranormalne
Opowiadanie grozy amerykańskie
Roland Deschain (postać fikcyjna)
Rzeczywistość alternatywna
Walka dobra ze złem
Śledztwo i dochodzenie
Powieść horror
Istoty pozaziemskie
Prywatni detektywi
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Sztuka przetrwania
Wampir (stworzenie fantastyczne)
Film grozy amerykański
Manipulacja (psychologia)
Ojcowie i córki
Opowiadanie dziecięce australijskie
Opowiadanie sensacyjne amerykańskie
Osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi
Osoby zaginione
Powieść fantastyczno-naukowa amerykańska
Przestępstwa ze szczególnym okrucieństwem
Publicystyka amerykańska
Seryjni zabójcy
Stworzenia fantastyczne
Zaburzenia psychiczne
Armia Czerwona
Bazy wojskowe
Bezprawna izolacja
Chorzy na nowotwory
Chorzy psychicznie
Cmentarze dla zwierząt
Duchowieństwo protestanckie
Dyskryminacja ze względu na orientację seksualną
Dziecko chore
Eksperymenty medyczne na ludziach
Fantazje erotyczne
Język angielski
Kara śmierci
Katastrofy lotnicze
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Maine (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Maine (Stany Zjednoczone)
Castle Rock (Stany Zjednoczone ; miasto fikcyjne)
Kolorado (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Anglia (Wielka Brytania)
Appalachy (góry)
Drawsko Pomorskie (woj. zachodniopomorskie, pow. drawski, gm. Drawsko Pomorskie ; okolice)
Karolina Północna (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
New Hampshire (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Nowa Anglia (Stany Zjednoczone ; region)
Nowa Anglia (Stany Zjednoczone)
Oklahoma (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Salem (Stany Zjednoczone, stan Massachusetts)
Stany Zjednoczone (część południowa)
Teksas (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Wisconsin (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Opowiadania i nowele
Science fiction
Powieść grozy
Opowiadania i nowele grozy
Powieść psychologiczna
Opowiadania i nowele obyczajowe
Opowiadania i nowele psychologiczne
Powieść przygodowa
Scenariusz filmowy
533 wyniki Filtruj
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Kolejna wstrząsająca powieść mistrza bezkompromisowej grozy, ukazująca, że człowiek jest największym z potworów. „Jedyne dziecko” to książka, obok której nie można przejść obojętnie.

Arthur Danse stąpa po ziemi z konkretnego powodu – by uświadomić ludziom, że ten świat jest mrocznym miejscem. Arthur nie uznaje odpowiedzi odmownej – karze za nią strachem i bólem bez względu na to, kim jesteś. Żoną. Kochanką. Przechodniem. Jego ośmioletnim synem...

Lydia McCloud miała nadzieję, że małżeństwo z Arthurem zrekompensuje jej wcześniejsze złe wybory. Że spotkała człowieka, który będzie ją chronił przez złem tego świata. Nie mogła się bardziej mylić. Prawdziwe zło odnajduje bowiem tuż obok siebie, kiedy Arthur pokazuje skrywane wcześniej oblicze.

Zdesperowana Lydia zmuszona jest stoczyć walkę o życie, w której stawką jest los jej jedynego dziecka. A Arthur wykorzysta każdą okazję, aby udowodnić, że nic i nikt nie jest w stanie odebrać mu jego własności.

Jack Ketchum u szczytu swoich przerażających możliwości. Wstrząsająca powieść.

Stephen King

„Jedyne dziecko” to powieść tylko dla ludzi o mocnych nerwach. I w tym akurat przypadku to nie jest wyświechtany zwrot – faktycznie trzeba mieć siłę, by przebrnąć przez brutalne opisy, przed którymi Ketchum się nie cofa. Czytanie takich książek boli. Ale to ból, który warto przeżyć, by uświadomić sobie, jakie zło nas otacza. Bo powieść, choć napisana niemal trzydzieści lat temu, wcale nie straciła na aktualności. Wystarczy pooglądać przez chwilę telewizję lub posłuchać radia, by się o tym przekonać.

Ewa Wrona,

Ta niezwykle niepokojąca powieść Ketchuma w bezkompromisowy sposób ukazuje skutki wykorzystywania dzieci, które przechodzą z pokolenia na pokolenie.

„Publishers Weekly”

Jeszcze nie trafiłem na książkę Jacka Ketchuma, która w jakikolwiek sposób by mnie rozczarowała, a „Jedyne dziecko” nie jest wyjątkiem. To powieść, którą z pewnością zapamiętasz i będziesz o niej myśleć jeszcze długo po zakończeniu lektury.

Dave Simms,

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Coraz głębiej / Laura Lippman. - [miejsce nieznane] : Marginesy : Legimi, 2018.
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Louisa „Lu” Brant, nowa prokuratorka okręgowa, ma ogromne ambicje. Kiedy dostaje kontrowersyjną sprawę, w którą zamieszany jest cierpiący na zaburzenia psychiczne włóczęga, pragnie uniknąć pułapek, jakie na nią czyhają i zapewnić sobie polityczny sukces.

Jednak w trakcie przygotowań do procesu, natrafia na wątki dotyczące własnej rodziny: oskarżonym jest dawny znajomy jej brata, AJ.

Kiedy Lu miała dziesięć lat, AJ ocalił przyjaciela kosztem życia innego człowieka. Ława przysięgłych oczyściła wtedy osiemnastolatka ze wszystkich zarzutów. Działał w obronie koniecznej. Sprawiedliwości stało się zadość.

Ale czy na pewno wszystko w tej sprawie jest jasne? Może krążące wówczas pogłoski o gwałcie dokonanym na siostrze ofiary nie były zemstą odrzuconej nastolatki? Może prawo nie chroni ofiar, tylko tych uprzywilejowanych?

Pogrążając się coraz głębiej w przeszłości, Lu musi stawić czoło coraz bardziej zaskakującym odkryciom. Prawo, które stanowiło do tej pory fundament jej życia, okazuje się zawodne i nie może udzielić odpowiedzi na wszystkie jej pytania. Lu po raz pierwszy uświadamia sobie, że być może wolałaby nie znać całej prawdy. I że decyzja, którą będzie musiała podjąć, będzie najtrudniejszą w jej życiu.

Ta powieść rozwala system. Powinniście od razu zabrać się do czytania.

Stephen King

Jej powieści to nie tylko intryga, każda z nich jest także poruszającą wyprawą w głąb ludzkich dusz. To po prostu jedna z najlepszych autorek kryminałów.

Tess Gerritsen

Laura Lippman to jedna z moich ulubionych autorek. Czytając jej powieści, zapominam o całym świecie. Jej proza sprawia, że zaczynam marzyć o życiu pełnym ekscytacji i zagrożeń.

Mindy Kaling

To jedna z najlepszych i najbardziej osobistych powieści Laury Lippman. Wszystkie jej książki są doskonale przemyślane, wciągające, pokrzepiające i mądre, ona zaś jest jedną z kluczowych pisarek naszych czasów, a jej dwadzieścia powieść przypomina, dlaczego tak jest.

„Washington Post”

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Arthur Machen (3 March 1863 – 15 December 1947) was the pen-name of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, a Welsh author and mystic of the 1890s and early 20th century. He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novella The Great God Pan has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror, with Stephen King describing it as "Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language."

The Great God Pan is a horror and fantasy novella by Welsh writer Arthur Machen. Machen was inspired to write The Great God Pan by his experiences at the ruins of a pagan temple in Wales. What would become the first chapter of the novella was published in the magazine The Whirlwind in 1890. Machen later extended The Great God Pan and it was published as a book alongside another story, "The Inmost Light", in 1894. The novella begins with an experiment to allow a woman named Mary to see the supernatural world. This is followed by an account of a series of mysterious happenings and deaths over many years surrounding a woman named Helen Vaughan. At the end, the heroes confront Helen and force her to kill herself. She undergoes a series of supernatural transformations before dying and she is revealed to be the child of Mary and the god Pan.

On publication, it was widely denounced by the press as degenerate and horrific because of its implied sexual content, and the novella hurt Machen's reputation as an author.

Among the most significant works Arthur Machen: The Bowmen, The Great God Pan, The Three Impostors, The Hill of Dreams, The White People, The Green Round, and many more.

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We all serve a master in this life. But only a very few unlucky souls serve the Lord of Death...
When Chester Davis returns from an archeological dig in Mexico, he is a changed man... and not for the better. On a cold and rainy night, Davis reaches for a gun and goes on a shooting spree in Lower Manhattan... So begins another adventure for Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair of Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past. This time, Sinclair travels to an Aztec burial site, where he has to find and destroy an ancient death cult...
+++ "A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee.[...] A tight, punchy read that heralds the start of a great new series of pulp horror. Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror
-- "John Sinclair” is the relaunch of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 by Jason Dark and still going strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp traditions: true page turners with spine-tingling suspense, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure.
-- For fans of the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker and the "X-Files” and the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.
-- Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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This book contains70 short storiesfrom 10 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. The stories were carefully selected by the criticAugust Nemo, in a collection that will please theliterature lovers. For more exciting titles, be sure to check out our 7 Best Short Stories and Essential Novelists collections. This book contains: - F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Diamond as Big as the Ritz The Jelly-Bean May Day The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Bernice Bobs Her Hair Head and Shoulders The Cut-Glass Bowl - Edith Wharton:The Triumph of Night The Pelican The Fullness Of Life April Showers A Journey Afterward Xingu - Stephen Crane:A Dark Brown Dog An Experiment in Misery The Veteran Four Men in a Cave A Tent in Agony The Snake Upturned Face - Susan Glaspell:His Smile "Government Goat" A Jury of Her Peers The Anarchist: His Dog "One of Those Impossible Americans" At Twilight From A to Z - Kate Chopin:A Respectable Woman A Pair of Silk Stockings A Matter of Prejudice A December Day in Dixie At the 'Cadian Ball The Storm Désirée's Baby - Laura E. Richards :Maine to the Rescue The Coming of the King The Golden Windows The Shed Chamber The Green Satin Gown The Scarlet Leaves Don Alonzo - Alice Dunbar Nelson:A Carnival Jangle Little Miss Sophie La Juanita The Praline Woman Sister Josepha Mr. Baptiste M'sieu Fortier's Violin - Louisa May Alcott:A Modern Cinderella My Red Cap A Christmas Dream, and How it Came to Be True An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving Aunt Kipp Rosy's Journey The Brothers - Hans Christian Andersen:The Little Mermaid Brave Tin Soldier The Princess and the Pea The Goloshes of Fortune The Emperor's New Clothes The Last Dream of Old Oak Little Tiny or Thumbelina - Charles Dickens:A Child's Dream of a Star Boots at the Holly-Tree Inn Nobody's Story The Child's Story The Magic Fishbone What Christmas is As We Grow Older The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain
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'La vista desde las últimas filas' es una recopilación de ensayos que nos permite echar un vistazo a la mente de uno de los autores más admirados y originales de nuestra época. Observador incansable de la realidad que le rodea y comentarista sagaz, Neil Gaiman es conocido por la aguda inteligencia y la desbordante imaginación que proyecta en sus obras de ficción. En esta ocasión nos sorprende con un volumen que comprende más de sesenta ensayos que de manera analítica pero divertida, erudita y accesible, nos hablan de una miríada de temas agrupados en diez capítulos, entre los que encontramos "Algunas cosas en las que creo" (las bibliotecas, la ficción y el ar te de contar mentiras, las librerías, la pornografía como género, la inteligencia artificial…), "Algunas personas a las que he conocido" (Dave McKean, Diana Wynne Jones, Stephen King…), "Introducciones y reflexiones: ciencia ficción" (Ray Bradbury, los Premios Nébula, Fritz Leiber…), "El cine y yo" ('La novia de Frankenstein', el diario del Festival de Cine de Sundance, 'Doctor Who'…), "Sobre los cómics y algunas de las personas que los crearon" (Batman, Astro City, Will Eisner…) y un largo etcétera de las reflexiones más dispares que componen uno de los universos internos más complejos, divertidos y sorprendentes al que los lectores tenemos acceso. "Si este libro llegara a tus manos una noche de desesperación, su lectura conseguiría que al día siguiente volvieras a creer en ti y a tener fe en la humanidad. Una obra extraordinaria." Caitlin Moran, periodista y autora de 'Cómo ser mujer' "Repleto de entusiasmo y erudición, este libro es una carta de amor a la lectura, a la escritura, a los sueños y a un género literario en toda su extensión." Junot Díaz, ganador del Premio Pulitzer y autor de 'La maravillosa vida breve de Óscar Wao'
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When protesters in Egypt began to fill Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 25, 2011—and refused to leave until their demand that Hosni Mubarak step down was met—the politi of the region changed overnight. And the United States' long friendship with the man who had ruled under emergency law for thirty years came starkly into question. The Road to Tahrir Square is the first book to connect past and present—from Franklin D. Roosevelt's brief meeting with King Farouk near the end of World War II, to Barack Obama's 2009 speech in Cairo, and the recent fall of Mubarak—offering readers an understanding of the events and forces determining American policy in this important region. Making full use of the available records, including the controversial WikiLeaks archive, renowned historian Lloyd C. Gardner shows how the United States has sought to influence Egypt through economic aid, massive military assistance, and CIA manipulations—an effort that has immediate implications for how the current crisis will alter the balance of power in the Middle East. As millions around the world ponder how the Egyptian Revolution will change the face of the region and the world, here is both a fascinating story of past policies and an essential guide to possible futures. 'When it comes to understanding the tangle of contradictions addling present-day US policy in the Arab world, Lloyd Gardner has become our most astute guide. This compact, timely, and altogether admirable study is his best yet.' Andrew J. Bacevich, author of Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War 'This book is a clear, concise, and insightful account of Egypt's long decline, focusing on both the mistakes of its own leaders and the ignorant meddling of outside powers.' Stephen Kinzer, former New York Times correspondent and author of Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
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THE GOOD AUDITION GUIDES:Helping you select and perform the audition piece that is best suited to your performing skillsIf you're auditioning for a musical – or needing to choose a song to perform for an exam, showcase or drama-school application – it's vital you find a song that shows off your voice and reveals your full potential as both a singer and an actor.In this invaluable book, you'll find comprehensive introductions to fifty of the best songs from musical theatre, for tenor/high baritone and baritone/bass voices, and in a variety of periods, styles, genres and tempos. Each song comes with detailed textual, vocal and musical analysis, and a practical performance guide to ensure you perform it to maximum effect in your own unique way.Drawing on his experience as a performer, musical director and teacher at several leading drama schools, Paul Harvard gives his top tips for performing each song, note by note, moment by moment. He also recommends soundtrack recordings to inspire you, and tells you where to find the correct sheet music for your chosen song (please note: the book does not contain the sheet music itself).The selection includes songs from acclaimed contemporary musicals such as Children of Eden and Pippin by Stephen Schwartz, Parade and The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown, as well as Martin Guerre, The Wild Party, Taboo and The Lion King – alongside many much-loved classics like Carousel, Fiddler on the Roof, 42nd Street, Kiss Me, Kate, and six of Sondheim's masterpieces.Also included is an extensive introduction to the process of choosing your song, preparing your performance and approaching the audition itself, along with many vocal and acting exercises to improve your technique and boost your confidence.'For anyone wishing to do justice to a musical-theatre role, and definitely for those wishing to work in this genre, this guide is a must' Teaching Drama Magazine on Paul Harvard's bestselling book Acting Through Song
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A partir de la descripción de los casos más curiosos con los que se ha encontrado, el neurólogo especialista en sueño Guy Leschziner ilustra cómo funcionan nuestros cerebros cuando duermen. "En la mejor tradición de Oliver Sacks, este libro combina la descripción de increíbles casos reales con la investigación neurológica de vanguardia. Una lectura fascinante" - BBC Radio 4. Una mujer en estado de sueño profundo que se viste, abre el coche y conduce varios kilómetros antes de volver a la cama. Un hombre que, durante varias décadas, vacía su nevera por la noche mientras come dormido. Un adolescente bajo el apodado Síndrome de la Bella Durmiente, que vive atrapado en un ciclo de inconsciencia excesiva, atracones y demostraciones inusuales de agresión e hipersexualidad mientras está despierto. No hay descanso para los pacientes del doctor Leschziner, neurólogo de los hospitales Guy's y St Thomas' de Londres. El insomnio, la narcolepsia, los terrores nocturnos, la apnea y el sonambulismo son solo algunas de las condiciones que afectan a quienes sufren la imposibilidad de cerrar los ojos y dormir como el resto de los mortales. Como se narra en este libro, las experiencias de quienes padecen estos trastornos cuando se meten en la cama tienen tintes de pesadilla: alucinaciones demoníacas cuando el cerebro no distingue entre el sueño y la vigilia, ritmos circadianos no sincronizados que confunden al reloj biológico y le impiden distinguir el día y la noche en un jet lag sin fin. Estas historias de pacientes podrían ser argumentos de novelas de Stephen King, sin embargo, son casos totalmente reales. A través de ellas y de la descripción de sus fascinantes síntomas y condiciones, el doctor Leschziner ilustra cómo son nuestros cerebros cuando duermen, al mismo tiempo que revela los factores biológicos y psicológicos necesarios para el buen descanso, algo que no solo es imprescindible para la salud física y mental, sino también para nuestra felicidad general.
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Najnowsza powieść autorki międzynarodowych bestsellerów!

Picoult po mistrzowsku zgłębia naturę rodziny: miłość oraz siłę – i cenę, jaką czasem trzeba za nie zapłacić.

Luke Warren jest badaczem wilków. Pisze o nich, studiuje ich zachowania, a kiedyś nawet z nimi zamieszkał. Pod wieloma względami są mu bliższe niż własna rodzina, z którą właściwie nie ma kontaktu, odkąd żona go rzuciła, a syn Edward wyjechał.

Niespodziewanie Luke zostaje ciężko ranny w wypadku samochodowym, a wraz z nim siostra Edwarda, Cara. Nagle wszystko się zmienia: Edward musi wrócić do domu, który opuścił przed laty, i razem z siostrą podjąć decyzję co do leczenia ojca. Nie ma łatwych odpowiedzi, za to pojawiają się pytania: jakie tajemnice skrywa przed sobą rodzeństwo? Co stoi za pragnieniem, by pozwolić ojcu umrzeć… lub utrzymać go przy życiu za wszelką cenę? Czego życzyłby sobie sam Luke? I przede wszystkim, na ile zapomnieli to, o czym zawsze pamięta wilk: że członkowie stada potrzebują siebie nawzajem, a przetrwanie czasem idzie w parze z ofiarą?

Pierwsze miejsce na listach bestsellerów „The New York Times” i „Los Angeles Times”!

Pobudza wyobraźnię, prowokuje, stawia trudne pytania… wśród popularnych autorek tylko Jodi Picoult potrafi pisać w tak bezkompromisowy, a jednocześnie ujmujący sposób. Każda nowa powieść jest lepsza od poprzedniej.

„People Magazine”

Powieści Picoult są genialne w skromny, bezpretensjonalny sposób.

Stephen King

Picoult powraca z dwoma prowokacyjnymi pytaniami: Czy człowiek może dołączyć do stada wilków? Oraz: kto ma prawo decydować o życiu i śmierci?

„Publishers Weekly”

Imponujące opisy natury wilków, zachowań stadnych i hierarchii, która o nich decyduje, sprawiają, że powieść Picoult jest niezwykle prawdziwa oraz bogata w sensie psychologicznym i poznawczym… To historia, która może złamać wam serce, ale od której nie będziecie się mogli odwrócić.

„Image Magazine”

Jodi Picoult jest autorką dziewiętnastu powieści, w tym bestsellerowych „Bez mojej zgody”, „Krucha jak lód”, „W naszym domu”. Jej książki przełożono na 34 języki, zajmują one pierwsze miejsca na listach bestsellerów na całym świecie.

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"No one knew his name. People in these parts simply called him ‘Dr. Satanos’. He had the look of a kindly uncle. He was dressed in a white lab coat... splattered with specks of blood...”
A mysterious scientist is working on a groundbreaking medical procedure - with deadly consequences. When an elderly hairdresser finds a severed head in the middle of a coastal road, an extraordinary sequence of events begins... and a small town in Cornwall is plunged into a terrifying nightmare. Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past. This time, Sinclair is in a race against the clock, trying to stop a gruesome killing spree...
+++ "A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee.[...] A tight, punchy read that heralds the start of a great new series of pulp horror. Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror
-- "John Sinclair” is the relaunch of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 by Jason Dark and still going strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp traditions: true page turners with spine-tingling suspense, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure.
-- For fans of the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker and the "X-Files” and the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.
-- Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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Dr. Kenneth Hopkins, a renowned Egyptologist, wakes up from uneasy dreams to find himself engulfed in darkness. Within seconds, he realizes that he’s in a coffin. He’s been buried alive... and a voice inside his head is laughing...
In his latest adventure, Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair travels to Egypt to stop an unspeakable evil. When a British expedition uncovers the tomb of an ancient sorcerer, they unwittingly open a portal into another dimension... and awaken a demonic force intent on destroying our world. Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past. His latest case takes him from the back alleys of London to the Egyptian desert. A heart-pounding race against time begins, and John faces an evil that is older than our world...
+++ "A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee.[...] A tight, punchy read that heralds the start of a great new series of pulp horror. Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror
-- "John Sinclair” is the relaunch of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 by Jason Dark and still going strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp traditions: true page turners with spine-tingling suspense, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure.
-- For fans of the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker and the "X-Files” and the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.
-- Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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Dr. Boscombe and his team are about to make a historic discovery: Britain’s only "vampire graveyard”, an unmarked cemetery at the edge of a marsh in Yorkshire. It was here, 230 years ago, that the villagers buried the victims of the mysterious widow, Simona Grace. Boscombe has no idea of the terrors he is about to unleash...
When the only surviving member of Boscombe’s team is consigned to a madhouse in London, Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair is sent to Yorkshire, to unveil the secrets of the "vampire graveyard”. Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. He is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past. But what he encounters in Yorkshire is no ordinary evil. It is an infection, an intelligent virus that is about to devour our world...
+++ "A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee.[...] A tight, punchy read that heralds the start of a great new series of pulp horror. Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror
-- "John Sinclair” is the relaunch of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 by Jason Dark and still going strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp traditions: true page turners with spine-tingling suspense, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure.
-- For fans of the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker and the "X-Files” and the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.
-- Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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No one comes back from hell. Except John Sinclair. But he didn’t come back alone ...

When John Sinclair's dying body is brought to the emergency room at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, the unthinkable happens: Minutes after his death, he jolts back to life, screaming in agony. The doctors have no rational explanation for his recovery. But Sinclair didn’t come back alone. There are voices in his head, and one of them belongs to Laura Cody, an eleven-year-old girl who is trapped with her brother in a crumbling mansion outside of London, about to be sacrificed to an ancient evil ...

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul ...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee ... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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They are as old as mankind. They feed in the shadows we’ve created. And they’re about to step into the light...

When young Cordelia Barnes dies of a drug overdose, her body is brought to Abbott & Sons, one of the oldest funeral parlors in South London. But Mr. Abbott is no ordinary man. He is a ghoul - a foul and ancient creature. He and his gruesome family live in darkness and feed on human flesh. Soon, DCI Sinclair is called to the scene, determined to wipe out the nest of ghouls. But Sinclair doesn’t realize that his best friend is trapped under their lair, and that the ghouls are preparing a feast. The slaughter is about to begin...
Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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How far would you go to stay alive? How much blood would you be willing to spill?

Dr. Carl Barlow is a renowned physician at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. No one knows that he is dying from leukemia, that he is staring death in the face. He would do anything for a few more months on this earth. In his desperation, he experiments on himself and crosses a line that never should have been crossed. Soon, Barlow’s body is changing and he is thirsty for human blood. As Barlow stalks the streets of London, DCI John Sinclair has to face his most dangerous enemy yet...
Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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When the body of a British businessman in Hong Kong is infected with an unknown organism, an ancient evil is about to be unleashed...
For once, it seems, DCI John Sinclair has an easy job: Pick up Nicholas Croydon, a British citizen who’s on his way back from Hong Kong via a special medical transport. But when a group of armed men infiltrate Heathrow Airport, Croydon is abducted. Soon, Sinclair and his new partner, Inspector Suko, find themselves on the front lines of an escalating gang war. A deadly cult called the "Black Dragon” wants to plunge our world into darkness...
Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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On the outskirts of London, a dark creature is born and its reign of terror is about to begin...
Following the events of "Black Dragon Rising,” John Sinclair and his partner, Inspector Suko, have to battle an unspeakable evil. When a deadly cult manages to resurrect the "Heilong,” an ancient Chinese dragon, the serpent spreads its wings and unleashes its deadly wrath in a city of millions. Soon, the army is called in and a bloody battle erupts over the streets of London. Sinclair and Suko have to find the dragon’s nest. But how do you stop a creature of legend?

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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The forces of darkness are gathering. All they need is the soul of John Sinclair...

Cascabel is a deformed creature who lives on human flesh - despised, desperate, and hunted. The "Great Sourette” is a failed stage magician at the very end of his life. When their paths intersect, a dark plan is set in motion, a plan that brings them to Samdon Isle, a small cluster of rocks near the coast of Scotland. Here, underneath the twisted ruins of a forgotten castle, lies a gateway to the underworld. All they need now is John Sinclair - their messiah. Only his soul can open the gate and unleash hell on earth...

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...
"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.
Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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A tumba abierta / Joe Hill. - [miejsce nieznane] : NOCTURNA : Legimi, 2022.
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En estos magistrales relatos (dos coescritos con Stephen King), Joe Hill disecciona conflictos muy humanos en escenarios fantasmagóricos. Una puerta que da a un mundo prodigioso y lleno de maravillas se torna sangrienta cuando la atraviesa un grupo de cazadores. Dos hermanos se adentran en un laberíntico campo de hierba alta para ayudar a un niño que pide auxilio entre la maleza. Un camionero se ve envuelto en una sofocante persecución por el desierto de Nevada. Cuatro adolescentes suben a un antiguo carrusel donde cada vuelta tiene consecuencias espeluznantes. Un bibliotecario se pone al volante para llevar lecturas a los muertos. Dos amigos descubren el cadáver de un plesiosaurio en la orilla de un lago, un hallazgo que les fuerza a enfrentarse a la idea de su propia mortalidad... y a otros horrores que acechan en las profundidades acuáticas. A tumba abierta es una odisea oscura por las complejidades de la condición humana, una danza macabra a la que se ven arrastrados varios personajes muy diferentes y en la que, de manera hipnótica e inquietante, acaban revelando atormentados secretos, fantasías y, sobre todo, sus miedos más profundos. En 2019, Netflix estrenó una película basada en «En la hierba alta» y HBO está preparando la adaptación de «Acelera». Cita de reseña crítica: «A tumba abierta es una gran antología y otra prueba más de que Hill es uno de los grandes narradores del siglo XXI». SFF World «El poeta laureado de los horrores cotidianos regresa con una docena de cuentos deliciosamente siniestros (...). Obras maestras en miniatura del terror moderno que demuestran que la vida es dura, extraña y siempre fatal». Kirkus «En esta nueva colección de relatos, Joe Hill demuestra lo increíblemente bien que se le dan los finales impactantes». New York Times Book Review «Hill consigue que el lector disfrute mucho incluso cuando el horror aguarda a la vuelta de la esquina». Library Journal «Estos cuentos consolidan la reputación que tiene Hill de maestro polifacético en el arte de asustar de forma sutil y sorprendente». Publishers Weekly «Joe Hill es uno de los mejores escritores norteamericanos de terror». Time
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