Joyce James
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Literatura angielska
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Joyce, James (1882-1941)
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89 wyników Filtruj
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James Joyce's 'The Dead' is a poignant short story that delves into themes of love, loss, and the nuances of human relationships. Set during a festive gathering in Dublin, the narrative follows Gabriel Conroy as he navigates the complexities of his own emotions and memories. Joyce's writing style is characterized by its lyrical prose and keen attention to detail, capturing the subtle nuances of everyday life with profound insight. As part of the English Classics Series, 'The Dead' holds a significant place in literary history for its exploration of universal themes through the lens of ordinary characters. The story's rich symbolism and layered narrative make it a timeless piece of literature that continues to resonate with readers today.
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The James Joyce Collection is a landmark edition that includes five of the author's most famous works in one comprehensive volume. The literary style of James Joyce is known for its experimental use of stream-of-consciousness, intricate symbolism, and richly detailed prose that delves deep into the human psyche. Combining works such as 'Dubliners', 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man', 'Ulysses', 'Finnegans Wake', and 'Chamber Music', this collection showcases Joyce's evolution as a writer and his profound impact on modernist literature. Each work immerses the reader in Joyce's unique narrative style and exploration of themes such as identity, memory, and the complexities of human relationships. The James Joyce Collection is a must-read for those interested in delving into the complexities of modernist literature and the innovative storytelling of one of the most influential authors of the 20th century.
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Ulisses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Officyna : Legimi, 2021.
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Przełożył Maciej Świerkocki Posłowiem opatrzył Piotr Paziński Od premiery najważniejszego dokonania Joyce’a mija w 2022 roku sto lat. Jak przystało na arcydzieło, „Ulisses” obrósł w tym czasie wielką legendą. Mówi się o nim, że to majstersztyk literackiego modernizmu, najdoskonalsza artystycznie powieść, jaką kiedykolwiek napisano, najtrudniejsza w lekturze (i przekładzie) książka świata, księga ksiąg, zawierająca całą wiedzę ludzkości, powieść z kluczem albo powieść szyfr, kryjąca tajemne treści. Niektórzy komentatorzy twierdzą nawet, że literatura przed tym utworem i po nim to dwa odrębne światy. „Ulissesa” ustawiono więc na piedestale i koturnach, do wtóru łatwo wpadających w ucho opinii o jego elitaryzmie, dlatego wciąż otacza go sława utworu wybitnie nieprzystępnego językowo i erudycyjnie. Owszem, niesie on i takie filozoficzno-dyskursywne cechy czy wartości, jest jednak dziełem otwartym, wielowarstwowym, które da się odbierać również jako realistyczną, tragikomiczną opowieść o zwykłym ludzkim losie, zrozumiałą pod każdą szerokością geograficzną. Lektura dublińskiej epopei to porywająca przygoda – intelektualna, choć jednocześnie ludyczna, podobna do tej, jaką okazało się jej tłumaczenie, gdyż powieść tę można czytać również dla rozkoszy czysto estetycznych i emocjonalnych, płynących z obcowania z giętkim, pasjonującym, proteuszowym Słowem, na każdej stronie ustanawiającym własny, zaskakujący, a przez to przyjemny w epistemologicznym kontakcie kosmos elementów znaczących i znaczonych. Drugi polski przekład „Ulissesa” próbuje zwrócić uwagę i na tę jego epikurejską właściwość – w nadziei, że będzie odtąd czytany bardziej jako nadal żywa arcymistrzowska powieść, mniej zaś niczym legenda, dostępna jedynie dla wtajemniczonych. Maciej Świerkocki
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Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce's 40th birthday. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature, and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement". According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking." Ulysses chronicles the peripatetic appointments and encounters of Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904. Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Leopold Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and Telemachus, in addition to events and themes of the early twentieth century context of modernism, Dublin, and Ireland's relationship to Britain. The novel imitates registers of centuries of English literature and is highly allusive. Ulysses is approximately 265,000 words in length and is divided into eighteen episodes. Since publication, the book has attracted controversy and scrutiny, ranging from early obscenity trials to protracted textual "Joyce Wars". Ulysses' stream-of-consciousness technique, careful structuring, and experimental prose — full of puns, parodies, and allusions — as well as its rich characterisation and broad humour, have led it to be regarded as one of the greatest literary works ever written. Joyce fans worldwide now celebrate 16 June as Bloomsday.
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Jovian Press : Legimi, 2017.
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Often considered one of the greatest novel of the 20th century, James Joyce's masterpiece, Ulysses, is both a feat and feast of sheer literary brilliance. Ulysses is one of those rare, impressive, inspiring feats of literary genius that is able to completely consume the reader, both in the sheer originality and magnificent scope of the great work. Highly recommended to read before you die.
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Saga Egmont : Legimi, 2020.
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James Joyces Hauptwerk über einen Tag in Dublin Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: In 18 Episoden, die hauptsächlich in Form von inneren Monologen wiedergegeben werden und an Homers "Odysee" angelehnt sind, beschreibt Joyce den 16. Juni 1904 in Dublin, bei dem die beiden Protagonisten Leopold Bloom und Stephen Dedalus aufeinandertreffen. Der Inbegriff des modernen Romans! -
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Bluefire Books : Legimi, 2023.
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Embark on a literary odyssey with James Joyce's Ulysses, an audacious and groundbreaking eBook that has reshaped modern literature. This epic novel traces a single day in the life of Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom as they wander through Dublin. With its richly detailed narrative, stream-of-consciousness technique, and monumental complexity, Ulysses is a labyrinthine exploration of life, love, and the depths of the human mind. Why Choose Ulysses? ✔ MODERNIST MASTERPIECE: Regarded as one of the greatest novels of the 20th century, Ulysses is a testament to Joyce's genius and innovation in narrative form. ✔ RICH LITERARY TAPESTRY: From its lyrical prose to its kaleidoscopic array of characters, Ulysses captures the essence of Dublin and the universality of human experience. ✔ INNOVATIVE STYLE: Experience the pioneering use of stream-of-consciousness, mythic parallels, and linguistic play that has made Ulysses a benchmark in modernist literature. ✔ INTELLECTUAL CHALLENGE: Ulysses offers an intellectually stimulating and rewarding reading experience for those seeking to engage with a demanding yet profound text. ✔ KINDLE OPTIMIZED: This eBook edition has been meticulously formatted for Kindle, complete with an interactive table of contents, to provide you with the best possible reading experience. Ulysses is not merely a novel; it's an odyssey through the human psyche and a celebration of the minutiae of everyday life. Perfect for literature enthusiasts, students, and those who revel in literary challenges. Delve into Joyce's magnum opus and experience the exhilarating whirlwind of Ulysses. Secure your eBook today!
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : red.sign Medien : Legimi, 2015.
Forma i typ
Nur von einem Tag im Leben des Dubliner Anzeigenmaklers Leopold Bloom, dem 16. Juni 1904, erzählt James Joyce in den 18 Kapiteln seines 1922 in Paris erschienenen „Ulysses“. Als moderne „Alltags-Odyssee“ ging der Jahrhundertroman in die Weltliteratur ein. Die von Joyce nach direkter Zusammenarbeit mit dem Übersetzer Georg Goyert autorisierte deutsche Übersetzung veröffentlichte der Rhein-Verlag 1927 in Basel.
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Bookish : Legimi, 2023.
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A Literary Odyssey Through Dublin's Streets and the Mind's Inner Sanctums Embark on a literary odyssey through the streets of Dublin and the labyrinthine depths of human consciousness in James Joyce's groundbreaking masterpiece, Ulysses. Follow the footsteps of Leopold Bloom, an ordinary man journeying through Dublin on a seemingly mundane day, as his thoughts and experiences intertwine with a cast of unforgettable characters. Joyce's revolutionary stream-of-consciousness style plunges readers into the unfiltered flow of Bloom's mind, capturing the raw emotions, fleeting impressions, and profound reflections that shape his inner world. As Bloom navigates the bustling streets, pubs, and encounters of Dublin, his thoughts veer from the mundane to the profound, revealing the complexities of human nature, the depths of desire, and the yearning for connection. Ulysses is a monumental work of literary innovation, challenging readers to confront the fragmented nature of modern life, the fluidity of identity, and the enduring power of human emotion. Joyce's masterful storytelling, infused with humor, pathos, and poetic beauty, has captivated generations of readers, earning Ulysses its place as one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. Embrace the challenge and embark on a literary adventure that will transform your understanding of human consciousness. Download your copy of Ulysses today and experience the power of James Joyce's extraordinary storytelling.
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Moon Classics : Legimi, 2024.
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Dive into a landmark of modern literature: James Joyce's Ulysses. Ulysses isn't just a book; it's an immersive experience. Join Leopold Bloom, a Dubliner, on a single, ordinary day—June 16, 1904—that becomes extraordinary through Joyce's innovative stream-of-consciousness storytelling. Explore the bustling streets, pubs, and inner thoughts of Dublin's inhabitants. Ulysses isn't for the faint of heart. It's a challenging but rewarding journey that pushes the boundaries of language and narrative. Unravel its layers of symbolism, witty wordplay, and rich allusions to Homer's Odyssey. It's a literary adventure that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Considered one of the most important novels of the 20th century. "A dazzling display of virtuosity...a landmark in the history of the English novel." - The New York Times Are you ready to embark on a Joycean odyssey? Download your copy of Ulysses today and experience the power of modern literature. Challenge yourself and unlock the brilliance of Ulysses. Scroll up and click "Buy Now!"
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : MyBooks Classics : Legimi, 2024.
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Dive into a landmark of modernist literature: James Joyce's Ulysses! Ulysses is an odyssey unlike any other. Join Leopold Bloom on a single, extraordinary day in Dublin, Ireland. Experience the city through his thoughts, memories, and encounters with a rich cast of characters. This groundbreaking novel challenges traditional storytelling with its innovative stream-of-consciousness narrative. Prepare to be captivated by Joyce's masterful use of language and his profound exploration of human experience. Ulysses is not just a novel; it's a literary journey that will test your perceptions and reward you with its depth and brilliance. Considered one of the most important novels of the 20th century. "A dazzling display of virtuosity." - The New York Times Book Review Are you ready to embark on a literary adventure? Download your copy of Ulysses today and discover a masterpiece of modern literature. Challenge yourself and experience the power of James Joyce's groundbreaking work. Scroll up and click "Buy Now"!
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Classics for all : Legimi, 2024.
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Embark on a literary odyssey through the streets of Dublin in a single extraordinary day. Compelling Title: Ulysses: A One-Day Dublin Odyssey - Unveil the Masterpiece (SEO Keywords: Ulysses, James Joyce, Modernist Literature, Stream of Consciousness, Dublin, Irish Literature) Sales-Optimized Description: Introduction: Embark on a literary odyssey through the streets of Dublin in a single extraordinary day. Body: Ulysses by James Joyce is a landmark of modernist literature, a complex and captivating novel that chronicles the experiences of ordinary Dubliners on June 16, 1904. Dive into the stream of consciousness of Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising salesman, and Stephen Dedalus, a young aspiring writer, as their paths intertwine throughout the day. Ulysses is a rich tapestry of Irish history, mythology, and everyday life. Joyce's innovative use of language and storytelling techniques will challenge and reward you in equal measure. This is not just a book, it's an experience – a journey into the human condition, the beauty of language, and the complexities of existence. Considered one of the most important novels of the 20th century. "A dazzling display of virtuosity." - The New York Times Book Review "A landmark in the history of literature." - The Guardian Are you ready to embark on this unparalleled literary adventure? Download your copy of Ulysses today and discover a masterpiece that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Challenge yourself, expand your horizons – Click "Buy Now" to begin your Ulysses odyssey!
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Ulysses / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : The griffin classics : Legimi, 2024.
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Dive into a groundbreaking literary experience: James Joyce's Ulysses. Ulysses chronicles a single, ordinary day (June 16, 1904) in Dublin through the eyes of a diverse cast of characters. Prepare to be swept away by Joyce's innovative stream-of-consciousness style, capturing the characters' inner thoughts and emotions with unparalleled depth. Follow Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising salesman, as his day unfolds alongside other Dubliners, each with their own stories to tell. This masterpiece of Modernist literature is a complex and rewarding journey that pushes the boundaries of storytelling. Ulysses challenges you to see the world anew, exploring themes of identity, memory, and the human condition. This is not just a book; it's an immersive experience that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Considered one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. "A landmark in the history of English literature." - The Guardian Are you ready to embark on a literary adventure unlike any other? Download your copy of Ulysses today and discover the genius of James Joyce! Unravel the layers of Dublin's soul - Scroll up and click "Buy Now"!
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ULYSSES / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Musaicum Books : Legimi, 2017.
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In James Joyce's ULYSSES, the reader is immersed in the stream-of-consciousness narrative of the protagonist, Leopold Bloom, as he navigates through Dublin on a single day. Joyce's modernist style challenges traditional storytelling, incorporating elements such as puns, parodies, and allusions, making the text rich and complex. The book delves into themes of identity, nationality, and the mundane moments of daily life, making it a cornerstone of modernist literature. ULYSSES is not just a novel, but a work of art that pushes the boundaries of literary expression. James Joyce, an Irish novelist, drew inspiration from his own experiences living in Dublin, as well as from classical literature such as Homer's 'Odyssey'. His intricate writing style and attention to detail reflect his deep understanding of human nature and the complexities of the world. Joyce's talent for wordplay and experimentation with language sets him apart as a literary innovator. I highly recommend ULYSSES to readers who appreciate challenging and thought-provoking literature. This book will take you on a literary journey unlike any other, offering profound insights into the human condition and the power of storytelling.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "Ulysses - The Original 1922 Paris Edition " is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Ulysses is a novel by the Irish writer James Joyce. It is considered to be one of the most important works of Modernist literature, it has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement". "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking."However, even proponents of Ulysses such as Anthony Burgess have described the book as "inimitable, and also possibly mad". There have been at least 18 different "Ulysses" editions (Joyce's handwritten manuscripts were typed by a number of amateur typists). This eBook is a faithful reproduction of the the notable first book edition published in Paris on 2 February 1922 by Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare and Company (only 1000 copies were printed). James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most influential writers in the modernist avant-garde of the early 20th century. Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, perhaps most prominent among these the stream of consciousness technique he perfected. Other major works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His complete oeuvre also includes three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism, and his published letters.
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»It must be a movement then, an actuality of the possible as possible. Aristotle's phrase formed itself within the gabbled verses and floated out into the studious silence of the library of Saint Genevieve where he had read, sheltered from the sin of Paris, night by night. By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy. Fed and feeding brains about me: under glowlamps, impaled, with faintly beating feelers: and in my mind's darkness a sloth of the underworld, reluctant, shy of brightness, shifting her dragon scaly folds. Thought is the thought of thought. Tranquil brightness. The soul is in a manner all that is: the soul is the form of forms. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms.«
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Ulysses (Illustrated) / James Joyce. - [miejsce nieznane] : coolaij : Legimi, 2022.
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This illustrated edition of "Ulysses" includes: Illustrations of objects and places mentioned in the novel. Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialized in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920 and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce's 40th birthday. It is considered one of the most important works of modernist literature.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "ULYSSES (Modern Classics Series)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature, and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement". Ulysses chronicles the peripatetic appointments and encounters of Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904. Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between its characters and events and those of the poem (the correspondence of Leopold Bloom to Odysseus, Molly Bloom to Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus to Telemachus). Joyce divided Ulysses into 18 chapters or "episodes". At first glance much of the book may appear unstructured and chaotic; Joyce once said that he had "put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant", which would earn the novel "immortality". James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most influential writers in the modernist avant-garde of the early 20th century. Joyce is best known for Ulysses, the short-story collection Dubliners, and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Finnegans Wake.
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Taking the literary world by storm upon its publication in 1922, James Joyce's ULYSSES stands as one of the most significant works of modernist literature. Set in Dublin over the course of one day, the novel follows the experiences of its main characters, Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus, as they navigate the city and grapple with themes of identity, nationality, and the nature of existence. Joyce's groundbreaking stream-of-consciousness style and use of unconventional narrative techniques make ULYSSES a challenging but rewarding read for those willing to delve into its complexities. The book's intricate structure, rich symbolism, and allusions to Homer's Odyssey add layers of depth to Joyce's exploration of the human condition. ULYSSES is a masterpiece that continues to be studied and celebrated for its innovation and lasting impact on literature.
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Embark on a literary journey like no other with James Joyce's groundbreaking masterpiece, "Ulysses." Hailed as one of the most important works of modernist literature, this complex and multi-layered novel invites readers to explore the human experience through the lives of its unforgettable characters. Set on a single day in Dublin, June 16, 1904, "Ulysses" follows the intertwined stories of Leopold Bloom, a wandering ad salesman, and Stephen Dedalus, a young intellectual. As they meander through the city, their paths cross in a series of coincidental encounters that mirror the epic wanderings of Homer's legendary hero, Odysseus. In this Kindle edition, you'll discover: Joyce's revolutionary stream-of-consciousness narrative technique A rich tapestry of themes, including love, loss, identity, and the search for meaning The intricate web of allusions, puns, and wordplay that have captivated readers for decades A vivid portrayal of Dublin in the early 20th century The novel that forever changed the landscape of literature and challenged the boundaries of artistic expression Don't miss the opportunity to experience this monumental work of fiction. Download "Ulysses" by James Joyce today and join Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus on their unforgettable odyssey through the streets of Dublin.
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